Baker County

Building Healthy Families



Guardians and kids get outdoors with movement and fresh air. Whether at the park or on the path; walking, playing, and making friends.

Wednesdays at 3:30pm

Join our facebook group for weekly details!


This hour long group for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners+ and their guardians uses music and movement to strengthen social-emotional skills, motor skills, language reception, ability to follow directions, and more!

Thursdays at 10am at Baker County Library


Tyically one Friday a month, Building Healthy Families explores a local or regional attraction, such as a pumpkin patch or museum.

Field trips offer a chance for kids to explore our community and beyond in a fun, safe group.



MomCo (formerly MOPS) is a supportive group for mothers designed to foster connection, community, and personal growth. Through regular meetups MomCo creates a welcoming space for moms connect.

Visit the Baker County MomCo website or facebook page for more information!


Come together for stories and a snack with other little ones and their guardians.

Tuesdays at 10am at Baker County Library or Park


Building Healthy Families houses a Diaper Bank where any family in the community can come and receive free diapers and wipes (limit 10 diapers per week, per family). We also have a small selection of baby body care products, swimmers and pull-ups.

Donations to our Diaper Bank are always appreciated, even partial packs!

FOOD PANTRY and sharing shelf

Grab-and-go dinner bags, grocery support, formula, books, activities, crafts, toilet paper, and more!

Our pantry and sharing shelf are located by our office in the Baker Early Learning Center. Give us a call at 541-524-2331 for more information.


Safe Sitter® is designed to prepare students in grades 6-8 to be safe when they’re home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. The Instructor-led class is filled with fun games and role-playing exercises.


Home visitors provide individualized weekly 1-hour visits and are able to support families with parenting, education opportunities and connecting to community resources.


Parent Cafes provide a safe space to connect with other parents and have conversations that strengthen our families.

Join us monthly for free lunch, with childcare and incentives provided.


BHF provides a variety of parent education classes and workshops both in-person and virtual.  Please contact us to get a list of options currently available.


We regularly hold community events. Check our calendar and facebook page to stay up to date!



Gives us a call to schedule an appointment for free oral health check. 🪥🦷 ... See MoreSee Less
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🎵🎼🎶 Reminder 🎵🎼🎶No ABC Music and Me at the library tomorrow (3/20).We'll see you next week!! ... See MoreSee Less
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Did you know?...Building Healthy Families is partnering with the Oregon Department of Justice to raise awareness around Gun Violence and positive community intervention strategies.#communityviolenceintervention #CommunitySafety ... See MoreSee Less
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Meet our Baker County team! This month, we'll be sharing a bit more about the people behind Building Healthy Families Baker County. ¡Conozca a nuestro equipo del condado de Baker! Este mes, compartiremos un poco más sobre las personas detrás de Building Healthy Families (Construyendo Familias Saludables) en el Condado de Bak#communityu#meetourteamrteam ... See MoreSee Less
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Camp ZOE Registration is now open! We are happy to share this link that will allow campers to start registering for our upcoming camp, June 27 & 28th, 2025 located in Ontario, Oregon at the Malheur County Fairgrounds. Camp will start on Friday, June 27th at 6 PM with a family dinner, camp orientation, introduction to group leaders, and a few activities. We will end this night at 8 PM so ... See MoreSee Less
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Reach out today with inquiries about our programs, resources, schedule, or any questions!

Our office is located in The Baker Early Learning Center


Jessica Hatfield
Parent & Youth Educator
Jillian Hawkins
Communications/Spanish Interpreter
Laura Hawkins
Parent & Youth Educator/Protect our Children
Tori Hawkins
FS&C Home Visitor/Parent Educator