We partner with Umatilla-Morrow Head Start to operate our Early Head Start Program, serving 8 children ages 6 months to 3 years. We are a full-year program, operating 48 weeks of the year, Monday through Thursday, 7 AM to 5 PM. Our curriculum is organized in the form of themes and sub-themes that are child-centered. We use Creative Curriculum along with our themes, which helps to enhance our learning opportunities. Our assessments include Teaching Strategies and Ages and Stages Questionnaires.
Philosophy Statement: We believe that every child has the right to learn and grow in a safe environment where they are respected and loved. We believe every family has the right to be informed of any and all resources available to them. Our goal is to provide a network of resources and support for low-income families. We strive to address our children’s needs in all areas of development—physical, social, emotional, and cognitive—and to provide support and assistance to all those who affect the child’s development.